Welcome to Hildasholm

We're open 10.30-17.00 every day.

Concerts at Hildasholm this year

11th of July - Ola & Totte
26th of July - Midnattsorkestern
10th of Aug - From romance to modern - a musical time travel
14th - 22th of Sep - Hildasholmsmusiken
All concerts start at.19.00

Art 2023
Artists 2024

We have several artists exhibiting at Hildasholm this year

Hildas café
Open daily
10:30 - 17:00

Coffee/tea/drinks with home baked pastries, cold sandwiches and ice cream.

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Hildas café

Welcome to our cozy garden café. We offer warm pies, pastries, and a variety of drinks. You can sit inside, outside, or take a picnic basket out into the garden.

The garden

Many of the gardens at Hildasholm are Hilda’s work. She created them with inspiration from the Arts & Crafts movement. In recent years, a kitchen garden and a medicinal garden have also been added.
